==  writer, roleplayer...  ==


==  ... and a place to cry about ffxiv  ==


fanfiction writer & ffxiv player open to ( selective ) rp on na datacenter.
by rae hex. she / they. 33. GMT -5. ©

GREETINGS EVERYONE!Here is where you'll find my terms && guidelines for commissions (in effect starting March 2023), info about my OCs for reference, as well as where I'll be collecting any art I get of my idiot children. This also acts as a hub for all the ways you can reach me!I'm an experienced RPer with time RPing in World of Warcraft, FFXIV, as well as many years doing Tumblr RP. I've written fanfic for more than half my life, and love to watch chemistry unfold naturally, even if it's not what's planned ahead of time. I have a tendency to take aspects of my own life or influences from those I know and use them as ways to flesh out my muses. I also get a lot of inspiration from music.For those of you who are into that sorta thing: I'm a Sagittarius sun, Aries moon, Pisces Rising. I have pretty bad tank anxiety, I will never heal a duty ever, and I'm a mediocre raider at best. My interests outside of FFXIV are the NieR series, knitting, baking, Sailor Moon, history (Holocaust and genocide studies), and magick.


muse count: ten

  • TSOVINAR WATERS ; warrior of light ; xaela au ra ; primal-lamia ; info

  • BATBAYAR KHA ; original character ; xaela au ra ; primal-lamia ; info

  • A'NULOH TIA ; __warrior of light __ ; seeker miqo'te ; dynamis - marilith ; [info tbi]

  • YOHAH NELHAH ; warrior of light ; keeper miqo'te ; primal - lamia ; info

  • TEZEH NELHAH ; original character ; keeper miqo'te ; primal - lamia ; info

  • TIGRAN DHORO ; original character ; xaela au ra ; dynamis - seraph ; [info tbi]

  • COELI ALMA ; original character ; rava viera ; crystal - diabolos ; [info tbi]

  • KAIDA BIHN MRIDUL ; warrior of light ; raen au ra ;crystal - coeurl ; info

  • ASTER WYNNE ; original character ; highlander hyur ; dynamis - seraph ; info

  • AFRID KISNE ; original character ; veena viera ; primal - lamia ; [info tbi]

 tsovinar waters 

i've heard before 'it's a curse if you care enough...'

***full name.*** tsovinar nasrin (kha ) waters
***also known as.***  nar ; blackblood ; the shadowflame
***date of birth & age.***  17th sun of the 5th umbral moon - 29 winters
***guardians.***  nhaama, the dusk mother ; nymeia, the spinner ; nald'thal, the traders
***gender & pronouns.***  female ; she/her
***orientation.***  bisexual
***jobs.***  black mage, reaper, gunbreaker, astrologian, weaver, goldsmith, miner
***grand company.***  immortal flames
***race & clan.***  xaela au ra


friendly, honest, loyal
lewd, blunt, guarded

LOREBorn in the Azim Steppe into the Kha tribe of the Xaela to Oktai Kha and Tsetseg Angura, Tsovinar grew up amongst a rather curious group of Au Ra, being graced with the ability and opportunity to learn of and from other cultures that their wandering brought them into contact with. Even at an early age, leaders amongst the 51 tribes, as well as those Disciples of Magic they came across in their travels told her mother that Tsovinar was destined to not primarily wield weapons, but rather harness an ability to manipulate the aether around herself through various forms of magicks.As such, Tsovinar felt as if she was a disappointment to her clan, being a child of Nhaama, yet one to use magic more like a child of Azim, despite that neither Xaela nor Raen are beholden to a particular form of battlecraft. Ignoring the reassurances from tribal elders and even those of the other tribes at the annual battle in the Steppes for supremacy that this was not an unheard of occurrence amongst their clan, those among Tsovinar's peers teased her for her overly curious nature, instead focusing her attention on reading and crafting with her predisposition to magick, rather than the roughhousing and physical activities of those in her age group. Despite this, her beauty and pedigree as talented artisan from strong warrior blood made her a highly desired bride, and many a suitor asked for her hand. She did, in fact, accept a proposal from a member of the Dalamiq tribe, and the courtship with Ender was a stilted, but kind one.During a Naadam around the age of 17, an errant stone that had been made airborne in the course of fighting struck her in her right eye, causing her to become blind. The blindness she obtained allowed for her to better sense aether around her, and despite her losing the pigment in the eye, leading it to go from a vivid ruby to an alarming milky white, she did nothing to draw attention away from it, making her a target for further persecution, and any prospects for matchmaking within the tribes had seemingly dissipated, especially after her engagement to Ender Dalamiq ended due to her disarming appearance, deemed a curse by the gods. It was this that acted as the final impetus for Tsovinar to leave the safety and comfort of her tribal life after two years, and instead headed towards Eorzea, having heard stories both awesome and horrific of the occurrences there, especially after the events of Carteneau.Finding herself in Ul'dah after several years of travel and adventure at the age of 21, it was the caring demeanor of Momodi that helped the guarded Au Ra come into her own, and it was through Momodi's guidance and encouragement of Tso's curiosity that she found herself at the doors of the Arrzaneth Ossuary, the home for the Thaumaturge's Guild. After her initial quests to test her powers and finding that thaumaturgy in fact came naturally to her, it was then that she found herself suddenly ensnared in the political intrigue and the greater battle of Light and Darkness that cast its shadow not just across Ul'dah, but across Eorzea and Etheirys as a whole.It was the appearance of Thancred Waters at almost every turn when Tso found herself in trouble in her initial time in Thanalan that both confused and intrigued her, and once she had been named Emissary for Ul'dah by Flame General Raubahn and had made her trips to Gridania and Limsa Lominsa, it was upon her return to Ul'dah that Momodi explained to her the truth of Thancred's intentions, as he was a member of the Scions of the Seventh Dawn. Echoing in her mind, however, were the words Thancred had told her outside of the Adventurer's Guild of Ul'dah: "You, my lady, are quite a marvel, and I confess to being quite taken with you." Out of curiosity at what the Scions entailed, as well as her own curiosity and fledgling attraction to Thancred, Tsovinar traveled to Vesper Bay, and became a member.Through her membership of the Scions, she became involved, in one way or another, with political subterfuge, conspiracy, the dismantling of a Garlean empire legion, slaying of several primals (some more than once), battles with dragons and religious zealots, all while secretly studying the forbidden art of black magicks. While being a Warrior of Light and assisting the Scions with their pursuit of maintaining the light of hope, it was in between her Scions duties that she would meet in secret with other black mages, honing her skills and giving her soul to the art. This is not publicly disclosed information but those she is intensely close to are aware, and have been sworn to secrecy as well.Throughout all of this, a tempestuous dalliance with Thancred began, reaching a head after the battle with Ifrit, under the assertion from the both of them that they were simply friends with benefits, working out tension that had grown between them over their time in Thanalan. This was, of course, not believed by any of the Scions upon their 'discovery,' as it was obvious from day one how attracted Tso and Thancred were to each other, and when they finally stopped shoddily pretending that there was nothing between them in any manner, there was suddenly much more money in Tataru's pockets, yet she denied any sort of betting ring related to their 'inevitable' hookup.Her dealings with Coerthas and her necessity to head into Ishgard set her on edge, because whilst she isn't dragonkin, the prejudiced eyes of the Ishgardians towards the dragons placed a target on her head nonetheless, for having the misfortune of having scales, horns, and a tail, and their noted history of targeting another Xaela tribe due to this misconception made her uncomfortable to say the least. The blessed presence of Ser Aymeric de Borel in her life since entering Ishgard had not only made her feel safe, but Tso leaned on him and House Fortemps following the disappearance of her fellow Scions, especially her beloved Thancred, who she'd become closer to and had begun to develop feelings for after the events of the Praetorium.Once Thancred had been found, the confusion in Tso's heart began to overwhelm her, for now she recognized truly just how irrevocably in love she had been with him this entire time. Following the defeat of Nidhogg and the rescue of Estinien, it was with a very gentle let down that Tsonivar told Aymeric about her feelings for Thancred. Despite his feelings being unrequited, Aymeric has remained one of her closest confidantes and supporters, wishing her nothing but positive tidings, even after everything.The events of the liberation of Ala Mhigo and Doma brought Tso back home to the Azim Steppe for the first time in what had felt like ages, now with a better understanding of the realm outside of Othard. While her experience with the Domans and especially the Raen Au Ra were interesting in an educational manner, it was the return to the Steppe that felt almost as if she'd finally belonged amongst her people once more. The unfortunate matter was that she didn't once stumble across any member of the Kha tribe, save for a representative at Reunion. It was to be expected, as the Kha live on the outskirts of the Steppe, but it still was upsetting to not be able to immediately show her family her success.The Naadam once more took place, and this time, Tso fought under the banner of the Mol tribe, claiming victory for them and being named the khagan of the Steppe. Nhaama made right the wrong done to her in her youth by declaring her no longer a victim of weakness but instead warrior ruler of all 51 tribes; Tso was mournful only that her family and Thancred could not witness her success firsthand.After liberation had been assured for both Doma and Ala Mhigo, and the alliance with the Xaela had been solidified, as well as a difficult and confusing interaction with Zenos yae Galvus prior to his suicide, Tso found herself the last remaining Scion to succumb to the Calling by the Crystal Exarch, watching as her found family, including her now-boyfriend Thancred, succumbing one by one to crippling pain before their souls were plucked from their bodies. While trying to assist her Far Eastern comrades in their fights against the Garlean Empire was a duty of obligation she felt she had to continue, it was upon the insistence of Tataru to find their fellow Scions as priority, as she was strictly forbidden from fighting the Ascians who controlled Garlemald (and possessed Zenos' corpse) on her own.Upon entering The First, finding her fellow Scions (as well as learning about the legacy Minfilia's existence had created on that shard), and forming a connection with the spirit of Ardbert, the Warrior of Light of that shard, Tsonivar realized how much of a larger struggle she found herself in. After meeting with the Ascian Emet-Selch and learning of the atrocities that came along with the sin eaters and the Flood of Light, Tsovinar began to question her involvement as Hydaelyn's champion, especially after being made aware by Emet-Selch of the knowledge that both Hydaelyn and Zodiark were primals.Furthermore, as Emet-Selch provided more exposition and context into the motive behind the Ascians' plot for the Rejoining, as well as his own wistful recollections of his time in the world unsundered, Tsovinar herself began to recollect a time when her fully formed past life had been in the role of Azem, the Traveler, on the Convocation of Fourteen. She could not remember too much, but she remembered her name was Eris, what her appearance was, and that she had been intensely close with Emet-Selch during their time in Amaurot; in fact, they were former lovers, spouses even, and it was this awareness of their past that complicated her already temperate approach to Emet-Selch.However, after nearly becoming a sin eater herself through the absorption of the light from each lightwarden she killed, and defeating Emet-Selch in a battle that left her deeply heartbroken and conflicted afterwards, she was able to find a way through the teamwork of her fellow Scions and the residents of The First, as well as the ingenuity of the Crystal Exarch, to bring everyone back home to the Source, but not before freeing the spirit of Elidibus from his Ascian mission, recalling his gentle demeanor and kind heart as Themis back when she was Azem. It was the least she could do for her dear friend, who she considered almost a younger brother back in their days in Amaurot.During the brief respite after the return to the Source, Tsovinar was reunited with her younger brother, Batbayar, courtesy of Lyse, Cirina, and Hien. While Tsovinar still had a poor taste in her mouth for Hien's handling of everything with Yotsuyu, she couldn't help but show gratitude for his part in reuiniting her with her family by gifting him a traditionally woven Steppe blanket, as she knew he had taken kindly to the Steppe wares during his time with the Mol.It was during this time, landing between coming back to the Source and the temporary move to Sharlayan, that Tso and Thancred quietly decided to elope, knowing that not every day is promised to them. Batbayar was chosen to Witness, as well as Cirina, and Temelun officiated the ceremony, as it was using traditional Xaela ritual using the faith of the Steppe (the faith involving Nhaama and Azim.) While the ceremony was everything they wanted, being intimate and not ostentatious in the slightest, this decision made everyone else upset, because how presumptuous of them to assume that no one would want to be in attendance. At the suggestion (read: insistence and threats) of Tataru, Krile, and Nanamo, a small-ish ceremony was held for the faith of the Twelve at Thal's Respite in Eastern Thanalan.This brief period of happiness was short lived, however, for with the return of Zenos and the arrival of the Ascian Fandaniel, along came with it the instigation of the Final Days. Tsovinar has blocked much of this out for her own mental health (and, quite possibly, has blacked it out due to trauma) but has had continuing nightmares of not having control of her body, of watching her loved ones disappear into smoke in front of her, and a sea of Elpis flowers turning pitch black. She does, however, have warm memories of visiting Elpis: the kind, warm smile of Hythlodaeus, another former lover and her best friend, whom she had begun to recall when she visited the manufactured Amaurot in the Tempest; the gentle curiosity of Meteion and bleeding heart of Hermes; the mischief and strength of Venat; and, most notably, the all too familiar sarcastic tone and disarmingly golden eyes of Hades, also known as Emet-Selch. She, to this day, holds the Azem crystal and knows that while it may hold little to no power at this point, it is still part of her soul and her history. Every now and then, she catches sight of her reflection and sees a golden-skinned woman with striking green eyes and midnight blue hair and knows that that is Eris, that is Azem, her former life.In an ironic twist of fate, it was in Ul'dah, meeting with Nanamo for a simple lunch and tea, that an illness she'd come down with over the past few weeks following the return from Ultima Thule was revealed to actually be an unexpected pregnancy. This was not revealed to the rest of the Scions until after her return from Alzadaal's Legacy in Thavnair, and it was Y'shtola who had figured it out, much to Tsovinar's chagrin. This, of course, means that Tso bested the Endsinger, fought Zenos to the brink of death, and also traveled to Alzadaal's Legacy in the very early stages of pregnancy, and after a thorough chewing out from every single member of the Scions and her other associates, she shared the news with Thancred. As of now, they have residency in both Ul'dah and Sharlayan, as the Rising Stones is currently vacated by all except Tataru, due to the charade of the Scions splitting.Once Tsovinar gave birth to Anya Erdene Waters, prior to the events of the excursion to the Thirteenth, something within Tsovinar recognized that the soul within Anya was familiar. When she was Eris, she did not carry soul sight to the degree of her lovers Hades and Hythlodaeus, but she knew the distinctive warmth Anya's presence provided her was more so than a maternal care, and it was confirmed when the first patches of lavender-tinged hair began to grow on Anya's head: Hythlodaeus' soul had been reborn, even if it was only a fraction of it.This was due in part to both Hades and Hythlodaeus seeing back in Ultima Thule that Tsovinar was pregnant, and was at risk for miscarrying due to the battles she had fought and was due to fight. Not wanting to see Azem suffer any further than she already had, Hythlodaeus made the difficult decision to be reborn again, despite only just reconnecting with Hades in the aetherial sea after being freed from Zodiark. It was with both Hythlodaeus' soul within the babe and Hades and Zenos both willing for her to live, that both she and Anya survived. The only lasting effect that Tsovinar obtained from her struggles were minor damage to her right lung leaving her to be winded a bit quicker, but otherwise her and Anya were unscathed physically.During her free time, when she isn't studying in Sharlayan for her Archon mark, as she refuses to have it be honorary only, she works as a hostess at the cafe her FC, Primrose, runs, as well as runs her own fortune-telling teahouse.

DESCRIPTIONShe has medium tanned skin, with deep blue-black scales that span her body in patches, as well as blue-black horns and tail. Her dark purple hair is streaked with a pale turquoise, and is worn down with a braid that goes across the top of her head, with a harsh cut bang. She has black kohl liner that spans the entirety of her eyelids, and either wears red ochre or more black kohl, and the eye that wasn't made milky with blindness is red with a brighter red limbal ring. She wears a silver chain design in her septum, and has a tribal tattoo similar to the Bedouin eye under her left breast. She also wears chains and jewels with starts and moons on her horns.Following the events in the First, the corruption from the Lightwardens turned her blinded eye more white, leaving her eyes to appear almost set with gemstones. In respect to her garment choice, when not crafting, she prefers to wear clothes either dark or in jewel tones, but will wear light colors if convinced.Personality wise, she is guarded at first, due to being concerned with the past mocking she'd received while growing up, as well as the careful nature she must possess due to her secret role as Black Mage. However, once she becomes comfortable around people, her actual demeanor shines through. It's a blend of sarcasm, a dark and frankly lewd or inappropriate tinge to her jokes, as well as a taste for alcohol and herbal teas. It is this sense of humor that allows her to get on as well as she does with the Scions, especially with Thancred, even if sometimes she even facepalms or blushes at the things that may inadvertently come out of his mouth. She is a bit of a book worm, and can easily be wooed with flowers.

 yohah nelhah 

i have to remind myself to focus on how sweet life can be, even when things seem terrible...

***full name.*** yohah nelhah
***also known as.*** sugarcat ; the joy of dragonhead
***date of birth & age.***  11th Sun of 2nd Umbral Moon - 26 winters
***guardians.***  menphina, the lover ; althyk, the keeper
***gender & pronouns.***  female ; she/her
***orientation.***  bisexual
***jobs.***  Bard, Dancer, Botanist, Carpenter
***grand company.***  twin adders
***race & clan.***  keeper of the moon miqo'te


supportive, exuberant, kind
jaded, anxious, hyperactive

LOREA resident of the forests of the Black Shroud, Yohah grew up amongst her younger sister, Tezeh, and cousins of their tribe, her great-aunt their matriarch. While the majority of her clan has made peace with the Gridanians and can somewhat live harmoniously, there are many, including her great-aunt Vige, who hold fast to the secluded ways of their race. In fact, many of the elders seemed appalled at the thought of Yohah going to the Gridanians for education in archery, when her own people could teach her, but Yohah's exuberance and extroverted demeanor only added credence to her desire to become an adventurer and see what Eorzea and beyond had in store for her.It was upon her arrival and subsequent welcome from Mother Miounne into the Adventurer's Guild that everything became topsy turvy for the young Miqo'te, as she found herself time and time again in battle against those who would be in alignment with a masked man in a robe, and would be saved, or at least found, by Papalymo and Yda of the Scions of the Seventh Dawn. After acting as Gridanian Emissary, it was explained to her by Momodi of the Adventurer's Guild in Ul'dah just who the Scions were, and from then on, Yohah would find herself irrevocably tied to them, in one way or another, spanning continents and surviving primal threat, threats of a magitek-powered apocalyptic takeover, political subterfuge, dragons, and those godsdamned Ascians.While she had a close relationship with all of the Scions, in particular she held a close bond with Minfilia, Yda, Thancred, Tataru, and had both admiration and a low-key crush on Y'shtola, despite her knowledge that it would never happen for a multitude of reasons.She fell in love with Lord Haurchefaunt Greystone, whose enthusiastic support of her and unwavering assistance to both her and the Scions of the Seventh Dawn made her feel a sense of acceptance that she herself hadn't experienced in quite some time. In fact, Haurchefaunt was one of the few Elezen up until that point that Yohah could say she'd had any pleasant encounters with, and to know that she, Alphinaud and Tataru were able to find sanctuary at Camp Dragonstone after the attempt on Nanamo's life and the subsequent accusal of the Scions for the assassination was a testament to his care and support. As their mission led them into Ishgard and Dravania, it was Haurchefaunt's vouching to his father for House Fortemps to allow Yohah et al to stay with them as wards. It was a very whirlwind, passionate romance, but one that had made Yohah feel the most fulfilled in her life, and while no formal discussions were ever held, she and Haurchefant considered themselves engaged.Witnessing Haurchefaunt sacrifice himself to protect her, to know that his final words to her was for her to smile, an expression she's more than often known for, has set a piercing pain in her heart similar to ice. While she appreciated the sentiment behind Count Edmont de Fortemps giving her a shield similar to the one Haurchefaunt wielded to protect her, it was too painful to keep, and so she instead left it in the care of her retainer Olilivia, who knows more than anyone the sentimentality and importance of the shield. Between the deaths of Haurchefaunt and Ysale, Yohah's grown a bit more somber, sometimes choosing a harsher or more disinterested tone when answering, perhaps in a subconscious attempt to not immediately grow close to others for fear of losing them as well.The recovery of Y'shtola and Thancred from the Lifestream brought a semblance of peace back to her mind, even if they had been permanently altered by their time there. While they were unable to save Minfilia, they were, collectively, able to broker peace between Ishgard and Dravania, and made a new acquaintance in Estinien Wyrmblood in the process.After the sacrifice Papalymo made to allow the remainder of the Scions to escape from Baelsar's Wall, a loss that pained Yohah much more than she outwardly displayed, the reveal that 'Yda' had actually been her sister Lyse the entire time made Yohah unsettled, wondering just how many more lies would be revealed to her in the process. However, seeing Lyse's development and growth in the process of her reconnecting to her Ala Mhigan heritage and helping them to find independence from the Garlean Empire brought immense joy to her heart, and finally things seemed to be back on the right path.... and then there was Zenos. As much as he absolutely infuriated her, she must admit that there was something intriguing about the Crown Prince who wants nothing more than to battle. She hated to admit it, but perhaps the bloodthirsty nature of her younger sister Tezeh runs in her veins as well.After witnessing the suicide of Zenos and being unsure how to feel about the whole situation, pitying his lonely existence despite knowing she should revile him for the atrocities he'd committed, one by one the Scions were picked off, losing consciousness as their souls were pulled across the rift into the First by the Crystal Exarch, all in an attempt to reach her. Upon her arrival in Norvrandt, despite the Exarch's mysterious nature and shadowed appearance, the timbre of his voice and his manner of speaking reminded her immensely of a sweet Sun Seeker Miqo'te she met before the Bloody Banquet, who she wished to protect and whose enthusiasm endeared her immensely.Her suspicions were heightened during the construction of the talos at Mt Gulg, as the time she spent sitting with the Exarch, detailing their plans once The First had been saved and the Eight Umbral Calamity had been avoided, helped affirm the familiarity she'd felt upon her first meeting with the leader. The reveal that confirmed that the Exarch was, in fact, G'raha Tia, pained her, for as much as she was suffering under the corrupting influence of the primordial light she had consumed with each defeat of a Lightwarden, it was the knowledge that he had intended to sacrifice himself without ever revealing himself to her that stung worse. Again, she would find herself losing someone she cares for as they sacrificed themselves to protect her.This was not made any easier when G'raha was shot by Emet-Selch, whose invitation to Yohah to succumb to her new sin eater nature in the depths of the Tempest became the catalyst for her embracing of her more violent nature. The irony of it being the nature that Zenos enthusiastically tried to have her admit to had not been lost on her, knowing that Emet Selch was his great-grandfather.After the defeat of Emet-Selch and Elidibus, and the return to the Source, the events of the Final Days settled across Eitherys, and Yohah had set her nerves to steel as much as she can, more than aware of how quickly she could lose those around her, especially G'raha, who she has fallen for, despite her best intentions at guarding her heart.During her visit to the world unsundered and her meeting with Hermes, her heart held deep empathy and care for the man who would soon become Fandaniel, unaware that in her past life as the Azem Clio, she and Hermes would have a doomed affection for each other, a slow burn relationship that had no resolution, which would color all future incarnations' history with romance. Again, she found herself saying goodbye to those she loved, as said her final goodbyes to both Haurchefant and Hermes, in the guise of Amon, in the Aitiascope, and then watching G'raha sacrifice himself once more to the Omicrons in order to ensure that she, Alphinaud, and Alisaie could reach Meteion in Ultima Thule.While she and G'raha have begun to take things a bit further, she is still afraid that he will one day attempt to sacrifice himself again for a noble cause, and that it will be a loss for good this time. The goddess Menphina, her main guardian since birth, apologized to her for the difficulties she has witnessed Yohah go through with her love, coincidently next to Haurchefant's grave.During her free time, she fills in as a bard at the cafe run by her FC, Primrose, and is happy to look over and see the portrait of Haurchefant right next to the stage, always smiling as she sings, like he used to.
DESCRIPTIONShe has dark blue-grey skin, with midnight blue hair, ears, and tail. Magenta accents the tip of her tail and highlights her wavy hair that reaches to her lower back, even with a high ponytail. She has bright pink, purple, and blue makeup that surrounds her bright turquoise eyes, and two scars, a small one on her left cheek, and a larger one that lays diagonal across the bridge of her nose and forehead. Her facial stripes are rather demure, and while she opts to not don face paint like those of her clan are known to, she does have a 'beauty mark', as the Hyur have called it, beneath her left eye. Prone to wearing darker colored lipstain, and with multiple ear piercings, Yohah's appearance is quite modern and frankly more cosmopolitan than the natural and muted tones of her clan. While she understands the importance of function over form, she'd rather her garb, whether toiling in the garden or shooting down Garleans, to be cute. Sometimes, she cannot have both, and, frankly, glamour prisms have a wild inflation rate on the market boards lately.Her personality is infectious, yet can sometimes seem grating to those who are not fans of 24/7 positivity. Often mistaken for naïveté, it is rather her general disposition of just enjoying life and the freedoms that come along with being an adventurer that she tries to impart on those around her. However, this isn't to say that the realities of what occurs outside of the deep wooded thickets of the Black Shroud haven't taken her by surprise. Several deaths and betrayals have brought her back down to earth, confirming the harsh reality of just how deep into the shite she's found herself. The songs on her harp can do much to lift spirits and empower those during battle, but they cannot fix everything around her, and this is a reality she must come to grips with. She wishes to be as pragmatic as Y'shtola, while keeping the same bright demeanor that she shares/d with Lyse, Tataru, and Minfilia, but she knows how difficult it can be, especially with how quietly Minfilia suffered, so as to not let the other Scions find her weak. (Thancred, however, splits the brain cell with Yohah most days, and they enjoy the shared custody arrangement between them.)A lover of food, the quickest way to her heart is any sort of fruit or baked good. Botany works in her favor as she's able to cultivate most of what fruits and veggies she would like, but is downright useless in a kitchen. Non stop cynicism is a turn off, as well as general rude behavior. Her love language is physical affection and gift giving, so unless told otherwise, she is a hugger, hand holder, cheek kisser, and hands over your eyes to surprise you before she accosts you with presents, just because.

 kaida bihn mridul 

...does it come in rose pink?

***full name.*** Kaida Lavali bihn mridul
***also known as.***  little dragon ; pastel dragoon ; kaida yumishi
***date of birth & age.***  32nd Sun of 3rd Astral Moon - 30 winters
***guardians.***  cinduruva, bearer of wisdom ; halone, the fury
***gender & pronouns.***  female ; she/her
***orientation.***  heterosexual
***jobs.***  dragoon
***grand company.*** twin adders
***race & clan.***  raen au ra


loyal, determined, sweet
bratty, instigating, lascivious

LOREThe daughter of Thavnairian traders, Kaida was born in Limsa Lominsa, familiar with the pier and port life of the bustling maritime city. However, it was not the life for her despite all of her best attempts, and she instead relocated to Gridania in order to learn how to be a lancer at the age of 27. It was through this that she continued her training and soon learned about becoming a dragoon, and was sent on a mission to hunt down the Azure Dragoon of Ishgard, Estinien 'Wyrmblood' Varlineau. Their antagonistic tension with each other turned into a torrid one-night stand, and after Kaida had sworn to herself to not let herself be as easily bewildered by those around her, she and Alphinaud met with the Lord Commander of the Temple Knights of Ishgard, Ser Aymeric de Borel, and the world felt as if it had stopped around them.Aymeric and Kaida were immediately besotted with each other, and it all soon became complicated when Aymeric introduced both Kaida and Alphinaud to the Azure Dragoon of Ishgard... Estinien Wyrmblood. The recognition they both had for each other spelled a time of awkward interactions, for as much as Kaida was falling under the spell of Aymeric's charms and chivalrous demeanor, the gruff personality of Estinien - as well as vivid recollections of their night together - made her physically ache for his touch, despite finding him the most infuriating and obnoxious Elezen she had ever met... and trust her, she had met plenty in her time in Gridania.Following the events of the Bloody Banquet, Kaida, along with Tataru and Alphinaud, were given sanctuary in Ishgard as wards of House Fortemps, meaning she was now closer to Aymeric and Estinien both, and the visceral disdain she dodged for being an Au Ra dragoon, mistaken for dragonkin and labeled a heretic whenever she went to pray to Halone would become too much to bear. She would finally let her desire for Aymeric take hold... only to be made aware of a secret of Aymeric's - and Estinien's - that would make her already complicated life both more complex but all the more rewarding.Her relationships with both Aymeric and Estinien became strained after the events of The Vault and the return of Nidhogg, respectively, but by the events of Stormblood, the trio found a new understanding and balance to their relationship, with both Kaida and Aymeric reassuring Estinien that his permanent changes following his possession by Nidhogg did not affect how they feel about him.While she does love both Aymeric and Estinien equally, it's very obvious that she and Estinien are closer, due to their time together as fellow Azure Dragoons, leading to a friendship in conjunction with their romance. Kaida feels guilty about this, despite protestations from Aymeric that it doesn't bother him.
DESCRIPTIONFollowing the light corruption obtained in the First, Kaida's rose-pink hair turned white with light pink streaks, scattered with beads of primordial light and mini cherry blossoms, as her hair piece became warped into her hair as well. The pink of her hair bled into her scales, turning her pearlescent-white horns and scales into a cherry-pink color. Her hair is long and loosely curled, reaching past the base of her tail. She has heavily lined turquoise eyes but otherwise doesn't wear much makeup. Estinien mockingly gives her the title 'Pastel Dragoon' due to her love of pale colors, and she doubles down on it as her official title, despite Aymeric reminding everyone that, no, Pastel Dragoon is not an official title. She is determined to make it one.She's genuinely a sweet angel, but also with no qualms about cussing or sexual openness, and lives to piss Estinien off 'because it's funny.' This is also because she also knows it will get her exactly what she wants out of him, which is his aggressive side in the bedroom, as she is the definition of a brat. Aymeric keeps them both evened out, and she'd burn the world down for either of them.

 batbayar kha 

i don't understand...

***full name.*** batbayar mohsan kha
***also known as.***  bat ; bay ; aperik
***date of birth & age.***  25th sun of 3rd umbral moon - 26 winters
***guardians.***  nhaama, the dusk mother ; oschon, the wanderer
***gender & pronouns.***  male ; he/him
***orientation.***  we just don't know. i don't even think he knows.
***jobs.***  paladin, machinist, samurai, miner, alchemist
***grand company.***  immortal flames
***race & clan.***  xaela au ra


protective, romantic, friendly
clueless, overly trusting, stubborn

LOREThe younger brother of Tsovinar, Batbayar is not a Warrior of Light, but is supportive of his sister and other Warriors of Light he has the honor of meeting. He has a teasing relationship with Thancred, had an unrequited and actually rather embarrassing schoolboy crush on Cirina Mol, and holds a deep, unexplainable care for both Lyse and Estinien. He and Krile are mischievous partners in crime, half of the time, and she helps to translate for him whenever Tsovinar isn't around, as his grasp on the common tongue of Eorzea is... lacking.Taking up the sword much like his father Oktai before him, Batbayar was an accomplished warrior of the Steppe and Desert, but acted more as an interim leader when his father briefly fell ill. Like his sister before him, many attempts at matchmaking and proposals were handed to him, but none had interested him. For as much teasing as everyone gives Magnai for his desire to find his Nhaama, Batbayar silently acknowledges the romantic side to the otherwise obnoxious leader, and while Batbayar has had many lovers in the past, for one reason or another they just never seemed to pan out into anything permanent.When word finally reached him in his travels of the most recent Naadam, and how the new khagan was an adventurer with one blinded eye, but who knew the tongue of the Steppe and was Xaela herself, his long search for Tsovinar seemed to finally bear fruit, as he'd been trying for roughly three years to find her, but with no real clues to go off of. After locating Mol Iloh and having a lively conversation with Cirina and Temelun, he was brought to Ala Mhigo, his first time outside of Othard, in order to meet with her.When he was handed a sword and shield by General Raubahn in Ala Mhigo, and advised by Thancred and Tsovinar that it was by decree of the sultana Nanamo herself that he would be considered a member of the Immortal Flames of Ul'dah, he realized that the people Tsovinar had found herself aligned with were, for the most part, good people and that her reputation as hero and savior of the realm several times was indicative of how the Steppe was only holding her back. He accepted the offer to join the Immortal Flames, even if it means having to take commanding orders from his sister, as she is a Flame Captain.He joined the ranks of Tsovinar's free company, Primrose, as a way to meet more people in Eorzea and have a support system. When out for drinks one night with one of the founders, Azalea Azelheart, he was introduced to Azalea's friend Illenia Daimos, and found himself smitten. The feeling was mutual, and they began a romance that was sickening in its sweetness. As their birthdays are a week apart, Batbayar's present to Illenia was a proposal, her present to him a key to her - now their - home.-----DESCRIPTIONExtraordinarily tall, with strong musculature due to his time as a fighter on the Steppe, as well as his role as a paladin in the Immortal Flames, and long turquoise and eggplant colored hair, just like Tsovinar, pulled back into a high ponytail, with long pieces falling in his face. He has caps on his horns. His eyes are magenta, like his father, with equally glowing magenta limbal rings. He wears red ochre face paint as a way to not only wear the colors of the Kha tribe always, as well as part of his personal devotion to Nhaama, but also a way to honor the fact that he is also part Angura tribe, who are known for their reddish skin tone. He had one tattoo on his chest, similar to the Armenian eternity sign ( ֎ ) and wears an assortment of rings.He can be described as a 'himbo,' as he is lovable, kind, and insanely in shape, but can be rather dimwitted at times, even before the language barrier of moving to Eorzea came into play. He is very protective of those he cares about, and is very much a mama's boy. He reveres his father, adores his niece, torments but loves and respects his older sister, and will protect his friends and loved ones with his life. He does like to mock Illenia for just how intense their height difference is, joking that he could use her as an arm rest.

 tezeh nelhah 

it's just a spark, but enough to keep me going...

***full name.*** tezeh nelhah
***also known as.***  zeh
***date of birth & age.***  14th Sun of 1st Astral Moon - 23 winters
***guardians.***  menphina, the lover
***gender & pronouns.***  female ; she/her
***orientation.***  homosexual
***jobs.***  monk
***grand company.***  hasn't chosen yet
***race & clan.***  keeper of the moon miqo'te


protective, devoted, passionate
headstrong, short-tempered, blunt

LORETezeh is the younger sister of Yohah, and is still getting her bearings as an adventurer, especially having traveled farther from home than her elder sister did to learn her skills. After their mother died shortly after giving birth to her, Tezeh always felt some sense of disconnect from her direct family, except for Yohah. It's because of this that when Yohah left to become an adventurer, Tezeh grew very bitter, and thus wished to separate herself fully from her tribe when she was able to, not having much of a strong relationship with their great-aunt Vige, who did nothing to calm Tezeh's fears of being an outcast.It's Yohah herself who invites Tezeh to join the Scions of the Seventh Dawn, as well as their shared free company, making sure that while they may no longer reside within the Black Shroud with their clan mates, that they still have each other.
DESCRIPTIONTezeh's warmer-toned hair betrays the fact that she and Yohah have different fathers, and some joke that perhaps her father was a Keeper of the Sun, which only added to Tezeh's feeling of not belonging. However, they both inherited their mother's bright teal eyes and cool grey skin.She's a spitfire (affectionately) and can be easily riled up into anger due to her younger age, and is very quick to want to prove herself. This makes her and Alisaie very competitive with each other, becoming fast friends in the process. However, she can be unrelenting in how she expresses her rage, seemingly acting near feral in her violence when left unchecked.

 aster wynne 

if i look back, i'm lost...

***full name.*** aster irmela wynne
***also known as.***
***date of birth & age.***  17th Sun of 4th Astral Moon - 32 winters
***guardians.***  azeyma, the warden
***gender & pronouns.***  female ; she/her
***orientation.***  homosexual
***jobs.***  paladin
***grand company.***  immortal flames
***race & clan.***  highlander hyur


loyal, determined, honest
serious, bitter, guarded

LOREAster was born on the outskirts of Gyr Abania right before the Garlean invasion, her family soon fleeing with others of her village to Thanalan, her half-Gridanian mother bitter at her father's homeland for turning her and her family away in their time of need. As such, Aster was raised to have a distrust of Gridania, and would deny being 1/4th Gridanian even if her life depended on it. While she knew that the treatment of the Ala Mhigan refugees in Thanalan was not much to brag about, she made the best of her circumstances, and became friends with other Ala Mhigans in Ul'dah, and also found herself admiring General Raubahn, following in his steps into the gladiator's coliseum, using her winnings to help pay off any remaining debts her parents owed that their mercantile ways hadn't already settled.She has a very conflicted relationship with Rhalgr faith-wise, despite identifying as Ala Mhigan. While she did grow up worshipping the Twelve, knowing that Rhalgr was the deity of choice in Ala Mhigo, Nophica of Gridania, and Nald'thal of Ul'dah, it was Azeyma that made the most sense for her, because no matter where she walked, the sun was sure to find her. These gods of the cities did not answer her pleas, why should she hold them as her guardian of choice?She was very close with Minfilia and takes it incredibly hard that she couldn't save her after the Bloody Banquet, even if she objectively understands that it was both Minfilia's wish and Hydaelyn's will. While she is happy to help clear the names of the Warrior of Light and the remaining Scions from any alleged attempt on Nanamo's life, and is honored to help rescue Raubahn as well, any joy she finds in helping Lyse with the reclamation of Ala Mhigo feels empty without Minfilia there as well...-----DESCRIPTIONAster has olive-toned skin with freckles that span across her cheeks. Her hair is pink but turns more rose-gold with extended sun exposure, and is chopped short, for ease of disguise. She has vivid purple eyes, and has a double nostril piercing in her left nostril, a golden hoop and golden stud in the holes, respectively. She wears a simple set of golden hoops in her ears that are family heirlooms that managed to escape Gyr Abania with them when they first fled, and that means more to her than any other lavish jewelry she could ever own. She finally gets her facial tattoo when in Gyr Abania, having held off prior for not feeling too close to her Ala Mhigan heritage before.She tends to wear more earth tones, a habit she had picked up from her parents, due to a multifaceted need for camouflage; easier to hunt, easier to hide. Her arms and midsection are riddled with scars from her battles in the coliseum, and her hands are slightly calloused from her time fighting.

 a'nuloh tia 

life is too short to not enjoy it...

***full name.*** a'nuloh tia
***also known as.***
***date of birth & age.***  24th Sun of 3rd Astral Moon - 26 winters
***guardians.***  azeyma, the warden ; nophica, the matron
***gender & pronouns.***  male ; he/him
***orientation.***  bisexual
***jobs.***  bard
***grand company.***  twin adders
***race & clan.***  seeker of the sun miqo'te


carefree, jovial, outgoing
stubborn, tactless, shallow

LOREA mystery; story forthcoming...-----DESCRIPTION

 tigran dhoro 

man lies; stars do not...

***full name.*** tigran odgerel dhoro
***also known as.*** teeg
***date of birth & age.***  29th Sun of 6th Astral Moon - 28 winters
***guardians.***  nhaama, the dusk mother ; thaliak, the scholar
***gender & pronouns.***  male ; he/him
***orientation.***  heterosexual
***jobs.***  dark knight, dragoon
***grand company.***  twin adders
***race & clan.***  xaela au ra


*** ***

LOREA mystery; story forthcoming...-----DESCRIPTION

 afrid kisne 

every day is a new chance to start over...

***full name.*** afrid kisne
***also known as.***
***date of birth & age.***  23rd Sun of 4th Umbral Moon - 24 winters
***guardians.***  llymlaen, the navigator
***gender & pronouns.***  nonbinary ; he/they
***orientation.***  bisexual, but uses the term 'queer'
***jobs.***  warrior
***grand company.***  maelstrom
***race & clan.***  veena viera


*** ***

LOREA mystery; story forthcoming...-----DESCRIPTION

 coeli alma 

they say what the devil won't do, he'll send a woman to...

***full name.*** coeli alma
***also known as.*** chel ; nightshade
***date of birth & age.***  16th Sun of 4th Astral Moon - 27 winters
***guardians.***  azeyma, the warden ; ( coeli doesn't actually believe in the twelve at all but thought the drawings of azeyma were the nicest ones )
***gender & pronouns.***  female ; she/her
***orientation.***  bisexual (will be corrected every time she says 'garleanfucker' because that is not an actual term )
***jobs.***  black mage
***grand company.***  immortal flames, but only because she had to choose
***race & clan.***  rava viera


intelligent, quick-witted, resolute
promiscuous, vindictive, cynical

LOREA mystery; story forthcoming...-----DESCRIPTION

 sfw drawings 

 nsfw drawings 

 sfw gpose 

tsovinar and thancred by eli / @eliniei on twitter

tsovinar and thancred's elopement in western thanalan by andi / @ardbertenjoyer on twitter

 nsfw gpose 

 contact links